Getting Started with UncertainSCI

System Requirements

Requires Python 3 and modules listed in requirements.txt

Getting UncertainSCI

The easyiest way to get UncertainSCI is to use pip. Just run pip install UncertainSCI or python -m pip install UncertainSCI and pip will download and install the latest version of UncertainSCI. This will also try to download and install the relevent dependencies too.

To get pip, see its documentation.

The source code for UncertainSCI can be downloaded from the Github page.

Installing UncertainSCI From Source

UncertainSCI can be built from source code using the script. To call this script, navagate to the source root directory in a terminal window and run the command pip install . or python -m pip install .

Alternatively, you can call the script with python install. pip is still called to install the dependencies, but they could be installed manually instead.

Running UncertainSCI Demos

There are a number of demos included with UncertainSCI to test it’s installation and to demonstrate its use.

demos/ is particularly useful for a quick demonstration of parametric uncertainty quantification using polynomial chaos methods. To run this demo, make sure that UncertainSCI is installed, then simply call the script with python using the command python demo/ Other demos can be run similarily.

We have included a number of demos and tutorials to teach users how to use UncertainSCI with your own applications. The API documentation explains the implementation of UncertainSCI in more detail.